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Miscelanefish from 2020:
December 25 tour of L.A. starting with first hike of the season up and down Culver City Stairs. photos
August 29 headed up to the Sierra for golden trout but didn't get very far. Whole sad story.
July 28 Hiked to Secret Brown Trout Lake for 10 days ending 8/6. Didn't catch any big ones. report | photos
July 18 Last training hike before next week's 10-day Sierra backpack photos
July 4 hike from Manker Flat to Thunder Mountain photos
June 27 hike training near Mt. Baldy photos
June 16 hiked to the top of Glass Mountain photos
June 6 hike training in the local mountains photos
May 23 hike training to West Fork. Saw a big spawning male trout in the creek. photos
May 16 hike training in the local mountains plus a few flower shots from the Holy Fire burn area. photos
May 9 hike training in the local mountains. photos
May 4 The wildflowers are going nuts in the Holy Fire burn zone, two wet winters later. photos
May 2 hike training in the local mountains. photos
April 25 hike training up and down 2N59 west of Crestline. photos
April 18 hike training up and down Cleghorn Ridge. photos
April 11 hike training up and down Pilot Rock Truck Trail. photos
April 4 hike training in nearby mountains. photos
March 14 first training hike of the season at Tenaja. photos
March 7 attempted to fish Palos Verdes but all the algae bait has died off at Colorado Lagoon, signifying the end of opaleye season. Next attempt for opaleye will be October 17, 2020. Meanwhile I will hike train in our local mountains every Saturday starting March 14 all the way through July. In there somewhere if we have a thick marine layer all the way out to Hemet one of these Saturdays or Sundays, I will fish for largemouth bass at Diamond Valley Lake.
February 22 landed 3 opaleye at Flat Rock Point in Palos Verdes photo
February 8 caught 2 opaleye at Palos Verdes photo
January 25 caught 2 opaleye at Palos Verdes. photos
January 11 caught 6 opaleye at Palos Verdes. photos
Readers periodically send me fish related weirdness. Go to my Tragedies page to look at a needlefish that went through some angler dude's neck.
Happy New Year 2020. Here are my plans so far:
Hike in the local mountains around Southern California every Saturday starting February 29 through August.
Vacation June 13 - June 20 -- Collect mahogany near Glass Mountain and fish Eastern Sierra.
July 4 Hike Mt. Baldy
July 11 Hike in the local mountains
July 18 Hike Cucamonga Peak
July 25 - August 9 -- backpack to Secret Brown Trout Lake 9 nights.
August 29 - September 3 -- backpack to Secret Golden Trout Lake 4 nights
2020 Resident California Sportfishing License Fees:
2020 - Sport Fishing License - $51.82
2020 - Second-Rod Sport Fishing Validation - $15.94
2020 - Sport Ocean Enhancement Validation - $5.66
Total - $73.42