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2/2 | Went opaleye fishing at Palos Verdes and caught only 1 little guy. | story |
4/27 | Tried bread and peas at Palos Verdes and caught 1 baby. |
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6/4 | 4x4 to Secret Golden Trout Lake. The fish were still spawning but I still caught 5. |
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6/16 | Fished Diamond Valley Lake under marine layer and caught 4 bass and 1 bluegill, all one pound. |
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8/1 | Backpack to Secret Brown Trout Lake for 7 nights, biggest weighed 1-8. |
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11/3 | Fished Palos Verdes and caught one three-taco opaleye. |
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12/8 | Pretty good day landing nine opaleye. Nothing of bragging size. |
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12/22 | King tide of seven feet in the morning but only landed four opaleye for eight tacos. |
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Miscelanefish from 2018:
Chuck L. sent fish comedly. Click here then click Next -> 8 times.
For Thanksgiving I Visited my sister's house in Portland and neice in Jefferson Oregon.
Was evacuated from home for 3 days during the Holy Fire 8/8.
Saturday July 14 conditioning hike to Icehouse Saddle.
Wednesday July 4 conditioning hike to Hike Mt. Baldy.
June 17 hiked Icehouse Canyon.
April 21 hiked Indian Truck Trail.
April 7 hiked Indian Truck Trail.
Saturday May 19 we had perfect overcast conditions for largemout bass at Diamond Valley Lake but when I arrived at the gate at 04:30 there were 50 boats already lined up. I knew trying to fish there on a Saturday would be more crowded than a Wednesday but this was nuts. I asked an attendant why the big crowd. He repliesd today is the Wounded Warrior Bass Tournament. Crap, I thought. Too many boats messes up the shore fishing. Even when there are 10 boats on the lake, at least 3 of them seem to need to fish the mile-and-a-half that is open to shore anglers. There are like 29 other miles of lake open for them. Just think if there are 100 boats. No fun at all hiking all the way over to my hotspot just to have a bunch of boats already picking it over. As I drove home on Newport Road, another 50 boats on trailers were coming the other way.
Wednesday May 2 wanted to fish Diamond Valley Lake but it was raining pretty hard and I didn't feel like going out into that mess.
Friday April 27 Caught 1 baby opaleye using bread and peas.
Friday April 13 awoke early and checked the swell chart which showed six feet driven by ten mile per hour winds, all conditions no fisherman would want to dirve 70 miles to experience. Nearby Diamond Valley Lake has been producing sizable pre-spawn bass the past week or so but again the winds with no stratus cover today had me staying home listening to the radio while completing homework on the computer and taking care of weekly yard work chores.
Wednesday March 28 conditions were pefect for opaleye at Palos Verdes; two-foot swell, no wind, high tide at 08:00. Problem is there was no algae bait at Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach. After returning home in the morning I dug up a broken sprinkler pipe to repair the leak, getting that five-hour job out of the way. I only took two weeks off last year and before that had accumulated many weeks of vacation since my old schedule had me off for 3 1/2 days per week. Now that I have a a five day a week shmuck job, I have to take some time off here and there or else I will lose it. I can predict the tides and moon phases but of course not bait or weather conditions.
Saturday Februay 2 Tried for opaleye at Palos Verdes. Only caught 1 little guy. Story.
Plans for this year:
Happy New Year 2018. Today Jan 1 I will contemplate what the heck I am going to do all year. The deserts will not be too fun due to our new drought. The Sierra will be fine thanks to last winter's deluge. For sure I will visit Secret Brown Trout Lake July 25 - 31 for seven nights and since I will take 2 weeks off I have goof-off time before and after the hike to terrorize family and buddies who might be camping nearby. See ya there!
Check back in to this page periodically throughout 2018 to keep abreast.
This Year's Fishing license fees:
2018 - Sport Fishing License (Res) $48.34
2018 - Sport Ocean Enhancement Validation $5.40
2018 - Second-Rod Sport Fishing Validation $15.12
Total: $68.86. Last year: $66.76