opaleyecalico bassMike Dufish's The Breakwall Angler, starring opaleye and calico bass
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Palos Verdes 12/21 Really good day, landed a legal calico bass and several opaleye. Fifteen inch calico bass hit the five-inch WildEye sardine 12/21/2011
Long Point 10/26 Opaleye season started out well, landed four big ones in Oct, Nov was dead, Dec was ok. Caught these opaleye at Long Point Palos Verdes using algae, including the four pounder at the upper left 10/26/2011
High Sierra 7/20 Six-night backpacking adventure to my secret brown trout lake, hooked a big one which I lost in comedic fashion. Mike Dufish hooked and lost a five-pounder at his secret brown trout lake, High Sierra 7/20/2011
High Sierra 6/17 After reparing my broke-down truck, I backpack camped at the back of South Lake to fish the inlet while it was drained. Wild rainbow trout caught on a Thomas Buoyant lure at South Lake 6/16/2011
Opaleye Point 5/4 Palos Verdes area has been dead for a year.  
Diamond Valley lake 4/20 Fun springtime largemouth bass day during an overcast morning. Largemouth bass over two pounds caught at Diamond Valley Lake 4/20/2011
Lake Poway 3/16 Too much algae in the water, fishing sucked. Shoreline of Lake Poway choked with algae 3/16/2011
Lake Poway 1/26 Everyone caugt loads of trout except me.
Breakwall Doug Report January yellowtail and catfish
Laguna Niguel Lake 1/12 I landed 2 nice rainbows using nightcrawlers. Mike Dufish lands 3lb class rainbow trout from Laguna Niguel Lake while using an inflated nightcrawler 1/12/2011
Lake Poway 1/5 I didn't catch any but some other dude to the left caught some four pounders. Dude at Poway lands big trout