opaleyecalico bassMike Dufish's The Breakwall Angler, starring opaleye and calico bass
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Catch Reports 1999

Opaleye Point 5/10

Since fishing for opaleye during low tide at the platform rock at Opaleye Point has been a bust lately, this week I thought I'd mosey on down to try high tide instead. I was primed yesterday with a bucket load of the best quality enteromorpha I have seen in at least five years. Long and stringy like nylon, it stayed on the hook for multiple casts but still I didn't notice any bites as I repeatedly tossed the bobber rig into the ever-present and oft-times productive rip current to the right of the point.

Looking over at Long Point I could see a four-foot swell was making a big mess out of the pillar rock, yet I drove over there anyway because after an hour-and-a-half I was bored with the spot I was currently occupying.

When I arrived I saw all our opaleye zones were seething with the swell. The wind was non-existent, which made working Breakwall Darryl's favorite spot to the left of the point somewhat easier. How-freakin'-ever, I didn't catch anything in an hour of trying and I had maybe only one teensy hit the whole time.

Early this morning I planned on fishing for bass with Fish Traps at the breakwall but a large swell coming in from the north-west prevented that.
